Amphetamine Reptile Records has announced the release of LORD OF THE FLIES a new EP from Melvins. The CD is out now via SHOXOP, with the vinyl coming at a later date due to record pressing plant backups. Prints are also available of the HAZE XXL artwork and Bifocal Media has the T-Shirt up for pre-order. Check out Never Say You're Sorry, the first track from the EP!

From AmRep: "We're right out the gate in 2022 with another Melvins 4-track EP release. Normally, we'd be releasing the fancy vinyl version at the same time, but the pressing plant is still backed up since everyone else stopped releasing records in all of diseasy 2020 & then swamped the system when things started up again. Includes 2 heavy Melvins tracks from an upcoming LP & 2 insane covers, 1 of them featuring Matt Cameron of Soundgarden even. For now, you'll still get the music you wants on crystal-clear cee-dee format for the low price of just 5 bucks."


LORD OF THE FLIES track list:

  1. Never Say You're Sorry
  2. Spoon Man
  3. Misty Mountain Urge
  4. The Receiver & the Empire State

Ipecac shared some Melvins vinyl related updates

Many of you have been asking, and we finally have a few answers to your VINYL questions…

FIVE LEGGED DOG - Our manufacturer had to split up the order we did across a few months. Ipecac Webstore/Bandcamp orders will ship around the original Jan 28th release date. US record stores should have it March 11th and International record stores on April 8th. Good news is they came out looking and sounding great, as you can see in the short video clip.

(A) SENILE ANIMAL - The manufacturing gods have not smiled upon us on this. We thought we’d have the corrected versions in December, but now it’s looking like it won’t be til the Summer.

OTHER RELEASES - Also this Summer, we should be getting some more stock of the standard color for the other reissues: Nude With Boots, Hostile Ambient Takeover, The Bride Screamed Murder and Gluey Porch Treatments. Lastly, we’re working on a couple new vinyl reissues for later in 2022, so stay tuned for info on those.

Buzz shared his "5 Albums I Can't Live Without" with

Dale appeared on Episode 72 of the Songwriting Malpractice Podcast

AmRep also released a limited edition throwback surprise to kick off the New Year!
The 7" that shouldn't have been, it's Sugar Daddy Disaster!
Long-winded description about a small run of records. Well then, a decade or so ago, the Melvin’s and AmRep launched a series of 12” records called the “Sugar Daddy Series” that were split/shared records with other bands the Melvin’s were influenced/inspired by. It ended up being like, 13 records in all and included a ton of greats like the Butthole Surfers, U-men, Killdozer, Napalm Death and many more. The first released was to be with Minneapolis legends, the Cows.
Well, when the records showed up, through whatever miscommunication long since lost in time, what were waiting for me were 7”s. We already had the 12” sleeves printed, and expensive specialty bags sitting here, and we couldn’t use 7”s. Their existence would confuse folks as the series hadn’t even been established yet. So the manufacturer agreed to have them destroyed.
Fast forward a decade and Haze is over there, chatting with the fine folks at Noiseland MFG (We still work with them regularly) and it’s mentioned that 150 of the fuck up 7”s survived the purge and were found buried in the warehouse, and asked did he want them?! Bam! Sugar Daddy Disaster 7” is born out of the boredom of waiting 10 months for current projects to get pressed. Haze found the same style specialty 8 mil vinyl bags, and did a new take on the original sleeve design by Mackie Osborne, had ‘em screen printed by the speedy Boxy Mouse MFG, and then added a rubber stamp cut print of a Sugar Daddy’s Sack (of dough). As a mini Sugar Daddy relic tchotchke thang, they came out really cool!
Edition of just 150 copies. Record is clear yellow vinyl. Silkscreened front sleeve insert, hand stamped with image of a money sack with a "$" sign on it designed & printed by HAZE XXL. Also stamped with the edition #. Scale 124.

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